Recent Projects
SFN 2023 Poster
D. Galor, Jude F. Mitchell, Daniel A. Butts, Jacob L. Yates
Uncovering the role of eye movements as a primary driver of neuron activity in the visual cortex.
Demonstrate simple mechanisms that explain this activity only using a feed-forward model! (No recurrence/external motor signals.)
Propose a novel activation function SplitReLU, and show that CNNs using it exhibit emergent physiological selectivity throughout.
Break the traditionally used "upper bound" of explainable variance, showing its likely that fixational eye movements significantly drive activity in the visual cortex.
Show that large ResNets can match more interpretable models with little engineering, and compare between the two using interpretable ML.
State-of-the-art neural data from the primary visual cortex around the center of gaze (!) with spatiotemporal modeling at 240hz (!), during natural free-viewing (!), and using extremely high precision (sub-cone resolution!) DDPI eyetracking.
ICCP 2023 Spotlight Poster & Demo
D. Galor*, R. Cao*, Jacob L. Yates, Laura Waller
Reconstruct static scenes from noise statistics in event-based cameras
Works in post processing, requires no hardware modifications
Applications in
adaptive event denoising
simultaneous denoising & scene estimation
Optica Special Issue on Displays
D. Galor*, G. Meng*, Laura Waller, Martin Banks
Applying tools from signal processing and vision science to improve the display design process for VR.
Created a novel formula for a human visual model (CSF formula).
Created a GPU-accelerated software toolkit for simulating human perception during display design.
Available as a GPU accelerated serverless website, or open-source executable.
D. Galor* and R. Mei*
Video compression, transmission over rf, and decompression.
Good quality for 30+ compression ratio (27.5 PSNR for 1KB/frame)
Lightweight NN for simultaneous deblocking and frame interpolation.
Motion compensation inspired by H.264
Frame differencing and quantization inspired by DPCM
Multilevel Wavelet Decomposition and DCT.